PitaPata Dog tickers
PitaPata Dog tickers

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Team Mascot

Right before getting Kyle, I moved into a home where I would be able to puppy raise. Because of the move, I also began attending a new church congregation (known as a branch). I love the people we get to associate with in our branch, and they have opened their arms wide to embrace Kyle and me.

Today one woman at church talked about the need for everyone in the congregation to act as a team and support one another through life's ups and downs. Then she said something that made me smile and made most of the congregation chuckle. She said, "We even have a team mascot, and his name is Kyle."

So there you have it. Kyle has a temporary career as my branch's mascot. Go Kyle!


  1. Hi,
    My name is Elijah and I'm a first time puppy raiser for Canine Companions for Independence. My first puppy Dembre has been with me for about a month and a half. Feel free to stop by my blog: ccipuppyblog.blogspot.com

  2. I just went to Macey's and the checker asked if my puppies name was Kyle. It made me laugh, after talking with her I found out she is in your ward and always looks forward to seeing Kyle at church and was sad he didn't go yesterday. I told her it was due to me and my roommate kidnapping him for the week. After I left I realized I didn't get her name, but thought you would get a giggle out of it anyway.

  3. What a cute story. And a good lesson. Kyle really brings people together.
